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 Our congregation is under protection of  The Moorish Science Temple of America.


Peace, Love, Truth, Freedom, and  Justice. 


The Constitution of  the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ,


  Consular jurisdiction, and the Treaty right of  Peace and Friendship of 1836.


an honorary worldwide


#1 leaders in Stabilization and Humanitarian Missions







Congress enacted a particular rule to specifically exempt Temples from these new requirements or the new legislation would be in conflict with the Constitution. Section 508(c)(1)(A) was necessary to formally ensure that government did not unnecessarily entangle itself with the organization and operation of Temples. [Separation of Temple and State] A 508(c)(1)(a) FBO [Faith-Based Organizations] tax exemption stems from the First Amendment and is not a government subsidy. FBO’s can be organized and operate under Section 508(c)(1)(A) of the Tax Code the same as they can be organized and operate under any other section of the Tax Code. A 508(c)(1)(A) FBO has a constitutional and legal right to form; therefore, there is no required application to seek approval of tax exempt status.


Since 508 (c)(1)(A) organizations are already tax exempt as a right they do not have to give up that right (religious exercise and free speech) as a condition of tax exemption. All organizations seeking tax exempt status must apply to the IRS except FBO’s. FBO’s can be formed under Section 508(c)(1)(A) and enjoy “mandatory exceptions” from these requirements. Section 508 (c)(1)(A) was codified in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) in order to formally establish the right to “free” exercise of religion which had been a tacit standard upon which America was founded and governed since it gained its independence. A 508 (c)(1)(A) is, by the very nature of its creation, a religious, non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Section 508 was part of the legislation passed in the Tax Reform Act of 1969 (H.R. 13270), codified as Public Law 91-17253.


The intent of our U.S. Congress in passing Section 508(c)(1)(A) was to make sure that important First Amendment religious and

speech rights were protected when they overhauled and authorized sweeping new changes to the Tax Code in 1969. The Act included substantial changes in the treatment of private foundations and 501 (c)(3) organizations. The changes included requirements that organizations [Temples are specifically excepted from these requirements] seeking tax exempt status had to first apply, file a tax return annually, comply with rules and regulations that the IRS may from time to time prescribe, keep records of income and expenses, and render under oath statements about the organization.


For more of this subject matter.

 Unincorporated Civil Organization Ordained by Allah:

 "Why we operate for the Benefit of and under a  *508(c)(1)(A)"

*26 U.S. Code § 508

(c) Exceptions

(1) Mandatory exceptions

(A) Temples, their integrated auxiliaries,         and conventions or associations of Ministry



Short History of The Star Spangled Banner

As the sun broke the horizon on September 13, 1814, Vice Admiral Alexander Cochrane gave the order for British naval ships to commence firing at Fort McHenry. Located in the Baltimore Harbor, Fort McHenry was one of the last lines of defense for Baltimore: if the fort was captured, then Baltimore would be as well.  With Washington, D.C., burned just a month prior, the capture of Baltimore would mean that the just formed United States would lose two major coastal cities. These cities were financial and political strongholds, and, without them, Britain could claim victory for the entire war.



Francis Scott Key:

Maryland lawyer and writer of the

"The Star-Spangled Banner"


On a merchant ship in the harbor was British Prisoner Exchange Agent Colonel John Stuart Skinner and Georgetown lawyer Francis Scott Key. On September 5, Stuart and Key had sailed into the harbor to meet with Admiral George Cockburn to discuss the release of Dr. William Beanes. Beanes was a doctor, and a colleague of Key, who had refused to give food and drink to British soldiers who had happened upon his house in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. He was scheduled to be hanged. Stuart and Key successfully negotiated Beanes’s freedom. However, since they were by the British fleet in the harbor, and privy to the British’s positions and plans to attack Baltimore, the three men were unable to return to shore. 


On September 12, the British landed their forces at North Point, a peninsula at the fork of the Patapsco River and the Chesapeake Bay to attempt a land attack on Baltimore. The British pushed on toward the city and were attacked at noon, resulting in the death of British Major General Robert Ross. Colonel Arthur Brooke took command and skirmishes continued that day. The Americans retreated to Baltimore and the British consolidated their forces.


With many American forces emerging in the night, the British decided to launch a naval attack on Fort McHenry commanded by Admiral Cochrane. Major George Armistead, a future uncle to Confederate General Lewis Armistead in the Civil War, commanded the fort. For twenty-four hours, mortar shells and Congreve rockets were hurled at the fort. Over the harbor, there was a cloud of smoke that was only illuminated by the glow of rockets.


However, the British gunners had poor aim. Because of the American cannons in the fort and previously sunken merchant ships that Armistead had commanded to ring the entrance to Baltimore harbor, the British couldn’t get close to the Fort. At nightfall, Cochrane sent 1,200 of his men to the shore in an attempt to attack the fort from the rear. American forces met the incoming soldiers and impeded them from advancing.


The next morning, Armistead raised a thirty by forty-two-foot United States Flag over the fort. Customarily, this garrison flag was raised every morning at reveille, but after a night of fighting this action took on a new meaning. The British, equally fatigued after the long fight and running low on ammunition, noted that they could not overtake the fortifications of Fort McHenry. Beanes, Key, and Stuart were sent back to the Maryland shore and the British retreated and set off for New Orleans.








Illustration of the Battle

of Fort McHenry


Throughout this battle, Key was in the harbor hearing cannon fire and the booms of explosives. After the hours of bombardment and the fear that the British could overtake the fort and head to Baltimore, Key awoke to a proud display of American patriotism and a symbol that they were not going to stop fighting. That morning he wrote notes for a future poem about this event. Later that week, he finished the poem “Defence of Fort M’Henry.” On September 20, the Baltimore Patriot published “Defence of Fort M’Henry.” Francis Scott Key’s brother-in-law set the poem to music, and the combined poem and music were published under the name “The Star-Spangled Banner.”


After it was published, “The Star-Spangled Banner” became one of the many patriotic songs sung throughout the country. After 1889, it accompanied the flag raisings by the Navy. President Woodrow Wilson adopted the song as a de facto “national anthem” in 1916 but did not codify this ruling. In 1929, “House Resolution 14” was presented to Congress to name “The Star-Spangled Banner” as the official national anthem to the United States. There were many objections to this resolution.

One objection was that the tune of the “Star-Spangled Banner” was taken from the song “To Anacreon to Heaven.” This song was the theme for the Society of Anacreon, which was active between 1766-1791. The Society of Anacreon was a gentleman’s club that meet monthly to listen to music of questionable tastes and to socialize. Ralph Tomlinson wrote the lyrics and John Stafford Smith composed the melody in 1788 and 1780 respectively. The song eluded to alcohol consumption and love in the last line of the first stanza, “I’ll instruct you like me to entwine the myrtle of Venus with Bacchus’s wine.” Even though only the tune was used, some members still saw it risqué that the two songs could be intertwined.


Other objections include the difficulty of the song to sing and play, the inability to dance or march to the song, and it being too military-centric. The resolution did not pass until it was reintroduced to Congress in 1930. It was officially adopted by law on March 3, 1931. Other songs that were possible contenders for the position as national anthem were “Hail, Columbia,” “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee,” and “America the Beautiful.





















Sheet Music of

"The Star-Spangled Banner"


The flag itself was sewn by Mary Pickersgill. Major Armistead was assigned to command Fort McHenry in June 1813. He commissioned the Baltimore-based flag-maker to sew two flags, one that is 17 by 25 ft and one that is 30 by 42 ft. The flags were so large that she sewed them with her daughter, Caroline; two nieces, Eliza Young and Margaret Young, and an indentured African American servant, Grace Wisher, on the floor of a nearby brewery. In addition, there were potentially other workers that helped with this behemoth project that have not been recorded. The larger of the two flags dwarfs the standard size of garrison flags today that measure 20 by 38 ft. As per the Second Flag Act that was ratified on January 13, 1794, there were fifteen red and white stripes and fifteen white stars in a field of blue on the flag. The additional two stripes represent Vermont and Kentucky, who entered the Union in 1791 and 1792 respectively. It wasn’t until April 4, 1818, with the Third Flag Act that the number of stripes were reduced back to thirteen and the number of stars on the flag equate to the number of states in the Union.


After the war and before his death in 1818, Major George Armistead, who was later promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, acquired the large flag. The flag was passed down within the family until Eben Appleton, Armistead’s grandson donated the flag to the Smithsonian Institute in 1912. Between Armistead’s acquisition of the flag and the Appleton’s donation, pieces of the flag had been cut off and sent to veterans, government officials, and other prominent figures. In 1914, Amelia Fowler, a flag-restorer, was hired by the Smithsonian to help stabilize the fragile flag while it was on display. Preservation was initiated again in 1981 to reduce dust on the flag and reduce the amount of light shining on the fabric. Those preservation efforts weren’t enough. In 1994, the flag was removed from the wall, so conservators could remove the linen backing that Fowler sewed and further remove harmful materials from the flag’s surface. A new climate and light-controlled exhibit were created to house the flag and discuss its history.


Francis Scott Key wrote the “Star-Spangled Banner” as a joyous poem after he was relieved that the United States had preserved against British attack. Since then it has evolved into the national anthem for the United States and is played at official events, schools, and sporting events. This anthem is a means to bring Americans together to remember the United States' perseverance in the face of adversity and as a stage that Americans can use to protest unjust policies.


The Amurru Washitaw Dedugdahmoundyah Muurs (Moors)       

                                                    were originally a group of priests from the Egypt of the west (Old Egypt), also known as the Dogon/Olmecs/Mayans. The term Washitaw is a corruption of Ursahtaw, the father and mothers of the mystics. In Egyptian, Ursahtaw is Urrashet, the winged sun disk, which symbolizes the highest knowledge, the pineal gland being open.


The Sumerian god, “Amurru,” is actually the origin to words like Amaru/Ameru/Ameri, which are root words to America (Amurru-Ka). America is actually a corruption of Amen-Ra-Ka. It’s strange how everything comes from the Egypt of the West, which is old Egypt. Research my Research that proves that Egypt was also in the Americas, because the god Ptah (a pre-dynastic Egyptian deity /Atlantean god) is from the Americas. Yes, Ptah (Judah) is from the Americas because his Territory was Ptah/Utah/Judah territory which covered Mexico and several states: California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas. Additionally, Ptah was also the chief god of Luxor in Memphis, Tennessee, which was in the Americas:


Well, Egypt was once the capital of the world. In fact, the Pharaoh gave the ancient Moabites (Moors) from Moab, Utah (Judah) the permission to settle Morocco, Indiana (India). Avoid the hijack too, because when you goggle Morocco, Indiana it will tell you that it was founded in 1851 based off of the Morocco that is in North Africa. The only problem is that the Morocco that is in North Africa wasn’t founded until 1956, so I will go with the Morocco that is in Old World America as being Ancient Morocco.  The Moabites from the Tribe of Ptah/Utah/Yudah/JUDAH called America, Almorrocco (Al-Mer-Ra-Ka), which is another root for the word, America.


The last of the Almorroccan government fell in 1956 with the abolishment of the Consular Court when black people accepted civil rights over their natural rights as natural persons. Here is a definition of Consular Court:

“A tribunal convened by public officials who reside in a foreign country to protect the interests of their country for the settlement of civil cases based upon situations that happened in the foreign nation and which is held pursuant to authority granted by treaty.(The 1787 Morocco Treaty of Peace and Friendship was that treaty.”)


A consular court exercises criminal jurisdiction in some instances, but its determinations are reviewable by the courts of the home government. The last of the U.S. consular courts of Morocco was abolished in 1956. The 1787 Morocco Treaty of Peace and Friendship was a means to try to stop all of the fighting over land, so the Muurs brought the Europeans to the table to form a peaceful two system government; one for the Muurs and one for the Europeans. Evidence of this two-system government can be found on the back of a one-dollar bill. Notice the two seals, which suggests two governments. The seal of the great pyramid with an eye above it, is the Muurish seal. The other seal with the Bald Eagle holding 13 arrows, is the seal for the European. Another example of this two-system government is the Consular Court, which was the Muurish court system. The last one was abolished in 1956 according to the above definition, and this Consular Court was granted its authority by treaty, that is, the 1787 Morocco Treaty of Peace and Friendship. The Europeans had and still do have their court systems, but it’s just their system now.


Empress Verdiacee Tiari washitaw -Turner Goston El Bey wrote in her book, “The Return of the Ancient Ones,” that “85% of the blacks over here in America were already here before the slave trade. Only 15% of blacks come from Africa.” This means that there is a suppressed history of blacks being a global people. Pangaea proves that all of the continents were connected, so migration to and from Africa and to other places was simple and easy. Also see the Ra Expeditions: The Ra Expeditions proves that the ancient Egyptian Sun-boats were capable of global travel. Additionally, temples have been built and named after Egyptian Gods, and Hieroglyphics have been found in the Grand Canyon: In Oklahoma in the 1800’s, a stele of Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV, aka, Moses of the Bible) was found (See “Ice: the Ultimate Disaster,” by Richard Noone).

In the book, “America BC,” there is an alabaster egg of a cartouche of King Tut found in Idaho:  The book, “Africans and Native Americans,” by Dr. Jack Forbes, states, “The slave trade started in America and the slaves were taken mostly to Spain and Europe. When the Spanish came to America they found the Indios (Indians), the black people who are with God” [end quote].  All of the evidence proves that blacks are the oldest natives in America, hands down.


Why is this information suppressed? Well Europeans want you all to believe that blacks only come from Africa to keep the land they have taken and not feel so guilty about it. If you can distort the history of the blood shed for the land, you can appear more humane. That’s exactly what they did. They wrote a his-story (history) book after they were firmly established to tell his-story more humanely. The American His-story book has been a great success because it has most of the world blind as to what really happen.


The Amurru Washitaw Dedugdahmoundyah Muurs (Moors) lay claim to the following land by and through bloodline: de bourbon Estate, also known as The Emperial International Estate of the Bourbon Hapsburg Empire which includes Western Europe: The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switerland, Germany, Italy, Sicily, Naples, Sardina, Spain, and Portugal. As well as most of North America and Caribbean in addition to Central and South America; and all of North America west of the Emperial Demarcation Line (1713) or British Royal Proclamation Line (1763).


This is the breakdown of the Royal Emperial Bloodlines for the Washitaw Moors: The young heir to the French Throne, King Louis XVII, married the young heiress to the Washitaw-Tunica Throne, Ayimarieeyah. Their Emperial/Imperial marriage would become official in 1795, pursuant to the conveyance of Spanish Land Grants bestowed upon the young heir, King Louis XVII, and his wife and heiress, Ayimarieeyah. These two would also receive the Imperial Spanish Land Grant of 1763.

As a recipient of both the 1762 and 1795 Spanish Land Grants, King Louis XVII, became known as Marrquis de Maison Rouge: owner of Louisiana and Florida.


Upon the death of Ayimarieeyah and King Louis XVII, the Titles of Louisiana Dauphin and Regent Marquis de Masion Rouge were conveyed to the next-in-line to the Imperial French Crown, Louis Francis Joseph de Bourbon, Prince de Conti (1734-1814) the son of Louis Francis de Bourbon, Prince de Conti (1717- 1776).


The Daughter of Ayimarieeyah and King Louis XVII married Louis Francis Joseph de Bourbon, Prince de Conti. As the second Marquis de Masion Rouge, Louis Francis Joseph de Bourbon, became the recipient of both the Imperial Spanish Land Grants of 1762 and the Spanish Land Grant of Monroe, Louisiana. With the death of Joseph de Bourbon, his eldest son, Henry Joseph Turner inherited the Maison Rouge Estate.

Henry Joseph Turner became the recipient of 1762 and 1795 Imperial Spanish Land Grants; making, him the third Marquis de Masion Rouge. Henry Joseph Turner married Sarah Tunica (Turner); and from this union came their eldest son: Joseph Henry Turner, the fourth Marquis de Masion Rouge Prophet Noble Drew Ali was the fifth Marquis de Masion Rouge by and through his mother, Eliza, a daughter of Sarah Tunica and Henry Joseph Turner. Corrella Turner (Tunica) is the sister of Noble Drew Ali. Corrella’s son, John Goston, is married to a direct descendent of Ayimarieeyah and King Louis XVII: Verdiacee Tiara Washington (Washitaw). Empress Verdiacee is the sovereign. Her union with John Goston makes him the sixth Marquis de Masion Rouge.


The Royal Imperial/Emperial bloodlines have never be broken; therefore, ownership of most of North America and other lands belongs to Verdiacee Tiara Washington and her husband, the sixth Marquis de Masion Rouge, John Goston. They are the rightful owners of most of America and lands elsewhere. John Jay, the 1st chief justice of the US Supreme Court once said, “Those who own the country ought to govern it.” I’ve proven that the Washitaw Muurs (Moors) own most of North America and lands elsewhere through the property rights of their current Queen and King, Verdiacee Tiara Washington and her husband, the sixth Marquis de Masion Rouge, John Goston; therefore, they should govern it according to Supreme Court Justice, John Jay.


Given the Secret Treaty of San Il-defonso of 1800, the de Bourbon, Charles IV, king of Spain, seceded to the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, the seaport city of New Orleans only, not the whole of Louisiana; so what Napoleon ceded to US President Thomas Jefferson was the Port of New Orleans, not the whole of Louisiana as claimed by the US in the so-called Louisiana Purchase Treaty of 1803. This fact has been secured in the Secret Treaty of San Il-defonso of October 1, 1800. (See the Secret Treaty to see the unlawfulness of the Louisiana Purchase: )


US President, Thomas Jefferson, sent Robert Livingston to purchase the Louisiana Purchase from Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon only had the power to sell the harbor city of New Orleans to the United States. According to The Secret Treaty, Napoleon violated International law by selling the city without consent from Spain; making, the deal null and void. The Washitaw received no money from the Louisiana Purchase and the purchase exceeded its boundaries by covering over 15 states and parts of Canada which were never part of the deal. The United States took land without giving the Washitaw due process and equal protection of the law, which should have come in the form of a hearing and compensation for their land. This never transpired; therefore, the land was unlawfully taken from the Washitaw by the government. As a result of this evidence and the fact that according to Article VI, of the United States Constitution, “Treaties are the supreme law of the land,” and the 14th and 5th Amendments of the US. Constitution, “No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process and equal protection of the laws;” the United Stated is in direct violation of Constitutional and International law by occupying Florida and 15 current U.S. states and two Canadian provinces, better known as the Louisiana Purchase (This link will give you the names of the states involved in the unlawful Louisiana Purchase:


According to due process of the law and equal protection of the law, if the government can’t give the Washitaw their land back, the government is bound by the law to give the Washitaw Moors just compensation for their land in the form of payment. There is  documentation in The National Archives in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere that confirm the Washitaw Moor presence right here in North American lands, thousands of years before the arrival of the first European(s), and their advanced civilization identified them as The Ancient Ones, geophysical mound builders (Uaxashaktun de Dugdahmoundyah), and their prior claim to the land was never disputed, evil deeds stole away their possession of and their control of their Ancient lands, partially identified in the record as (1) 1848 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the case of the “U.S. Government vs. The Heirs of Henry Turner” (Tunica), in which the High Court found that “The Neutral Strip” (2,961,983.5 acres of land) was definitely not a part of the territory ceded to the United States” (Louisiana Dept. of Transportation, 1940), (2) the 1992 return of 68,883 acres of land by the State of Louisiana (Land Grant #923/1991), designated “Washitaw Proper;” and (3) “Washitaw Terra” including The Floridas. I have attached two United states Supreme Court cases in which the Washitaw won these cases:; and


The United Nations High Commission for Human Rights recognizes the self-declarations of indigenous peoples and acknowledges Uaxashaktun (Empire Washitaw) as “The oldest indigenous people on Earth,” and assigned UN Grant Application #215 (1993) to the Washitaw Moors.

The United States has recognized Amurru Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah as an indigenous people of North America and had under consideration in the 105th Congress (H.R. #260), The Guadalupe-Hidalgo Treaty Land Claims Act of January 1997.

A series of Congressional Bills/Acts and US Supreme Court cases reaffirm national sovereignty for the heirs of Henry Turner de Bourbon (1848, Case #191: United States v. Henry Turner’s Heirs); and the claim has been recorded before the World Court at The Hague (1996), that since the Treaties of Utrecht (1713) in which the Spanish de Bourbon had established themselves as the Protectorate of lands known as the Floridas, on behalf of Amurru Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah.

According to The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), “Indigenous people are those who embody historical continuity with societies which existed prior to the conquest and settlement of their territories by Europeans. As well as people bought involuntary to the new World:”

According to the above United Nations treaty, all black people are indigenous. This means that Blacks are natural persons. All natural persons are human beings and sovereigns of the land, because they rightfully own the land. This is coming from the Black’s Law Dictionary. Just look up natural persons. All blacks are beyond first class citizens and don’t even know it, because we have accepted His-story and slave labels like, negro, black, colored, and African American.


What makes the above treaty so powerful is that according to Article VI of the United States Constitution, “Treaties are the Supreme law of the land.” The United States of America is a member of the United Nations, so the Government is bound by it. Sovereignty resides in your nationality. Your Nationality ties you back to the land. What is your nationality? My nationality is Washitaw de dugdahmoundyah Mu’ur (Moor), which is an off branch of the Kushite Empire, the Songhai Empire, and the Ottoman Empire. The Washitaw tribal Moors are listed at the United Nations under the Indigenous People Organization Number 21593. This became effective in 1993. The seat number for the Washitaw at the United Nations is 215. According to International Law, the Washitaw has established itself as a Sovereign Independent Nation (United Nations, NIS-21/593) apart from corporate union of 1781 and the corporate United States of 1787. The land claim of the Washitaw has been affirmed by the Spanish and French, as well as British, pursuant to Spanish Land Grants of 1762 and 1795. The Washitaw Muurs enjoy diversity of citizenship jurisdiction, because they are a nation within a nation. All Washitaw Muurs enjoy dual citizenship status. They are citizens of the United States of America, not the United States, and citizens of the Washitaw Nation. According to Federal Law, the land of the Washitaw has been defined as “Indian Country,” and the people regarded as Indians. Both the people and their land have been placed under the authority of the United States government via the Bureau of Indian Affairs within the Department of Interior, which is governed by both Executive and Congressional Plenary powers. As a result, the United states has assumed the “Trust responsibility” for the Washitaw Nation of Muurs (Moors) via Spanish Land Grant of Henry Turner. The Iroquois League of Nations has a lot in common with the Camp Holmes Treaty that recognizes the Five civilized tribes as part of the Wichita (Washitaw) Nation. The Treaty of Camp Holmes can be read here: . These are the Five Civilized (Christianized) tribes: Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole. Anyone claiming to be one of these tribes is a Washitaw Moor and I got the Camp Holes Treaty of August 24, 1835 to prove this. Prophet Noble Drew Ali was also a Cherokee (cherry tree/ red flag/ old glory/ red shield) Indian Chief from North Carolina, this makes sense, because he was a Prince of the Washitaw Mu’urs/ Moors and he was also the fifth Marquis de Masion Rouge (King of the French Acadians/ Akkadians). Additionally, the Cherokee Indians was one of the biggest Tribes and it was an off branch of the Amurru Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Muurs.


The Americas was Ancient Sumer, because Amurru was the Sumerian/Akkadian god of the Amorites (Amerites), aka, the mound Builders, the Amurru Washitaw Dedugdahmoundyah Muurs/Mu/ Maur/Moor/Meroe. The Amurru Washitaw Dedugdahmoundyah Mu’urs are the oldest indigenous people in the world, according to the UNITED NATIONS. Now, we have a very strong connection here, because the Sumerian god Amurru (the Westerner/the Serpent/the dragon) correlates to the oldest indigenous people in the world, because you can see the god Amurru in the tribal name of the Amurru Washitaw Dedugdahmoundyah Mu’urs. Also, the original name of America was Amurru, according to the Webster 1936 Universal Dictionary, the word “American is defined as an Aboriginal or one of the various copper color natives found on the American Continents by the Europeans. The original application of the name was AMURRU.” [end quote] To drive this point, “AMURRU,” (the Westerner/ the Serpent/ the dragon) home, all of the names of the Native-American tribes trace back to the title serpent/dragon (Naga/Nigga), which makes sense because the worship of the serpent/Dragon (Kundalini ascension/Chakra alignment) was the chief symbol in the Americas. The flag of Mexico is the Eagle (the phoenix) killing the serpent (the dragon). Mexico (Amexem/Olmec/Old Mexican) was part of the Washitaw/Wa-Shu-Taw(X) Mu’ur Empire and Mexico use to cover South, Central, and North America. Mexico used to extend all the way up into Canada (see attached image of the 1810 map of the Viceroyalty of Spain (Rome: The Eagle). As you can see, Spain took a lot of land from the Mu’urs (the Nagas/Serpents). This map does not show how big La Florida (the Floridas) once was, but I found an older map of Florida. Yes, Florida was once so big that it covered several states, according the attached 1657 Sanson map of La Florida (the Floridas); which use to be part of Washitaw proper, aka, Louisiana County. Also, notice how the Mu’urs were known as Tamerikaans, because it’s the first word on the 1657 map banner. Tameri was an ancient Name for Egypt. This evidence suggests that the Americas is old Egypt or the Egypt of the West.


Nova Scotia (New Scotland) was in Canada (Wa-canada), aka, Khananland. Nova Scotia was also called Acadia (Akkadia as in a city in Ancient Sumer). Nova Scotia, aka, Acadia (Akkadia) was also in Amurru-Ka (America), because the Acadia National park, which covers Maine and the New England states is in America. Maine and the New England Territory has a rich Viking (Danes) History and that area was called Nova France (New France). Nova Scotia was also called France, so we have a strong connection, and I even found a 1580 map of America, by Clüver, Philipp, from the Stanford College University Library that verifies that a portion of Canada and the New England states were once called France:…/…/sg969dj3089. You have to click on the map to zoom in so you can see Nova Fran (France) on the map. Additionally, here is a 1562 map of America by Spanish cartographer, Diego Gutiérrez, from the Library of Congress:,0.175,0.732,0.315,0. This map shows Fancisca (France) and the mythical golden city of Norimberga that was allegedly built by Vikings. This map also shows you Moscow (Russia/Ros/Russ-Asian: Clan Ros or Andros/Andrews). Well, so much for Norimberga being a myth, because it had to be real for it to be on an authentic map from the library of congress. Yes, the original French were the Franks/Clan Ross (Rus/Andrews/Andros) and they were French Maurs (Blackamoors), aka, Berber Merovingian’s: This also explains why you have a French Quarters in Louisiana and they also refer to themselves as Acadians (Akkadians). I have attached a YouTube video from a European, who has told the truth, entitled, “Breakdown: Steely Dan – The Royal Scam. Orphan Origins, True Acadians and Indigenous,” by Deciphering the Devil’s Details. This YouTube video demonstrates that the original French were Maurs/Muurs.


Even the Sumerians who worshipped Amurru, were the Amorites. You can get the word America very easily from Amor/Amer (Ameri-ka/Ameri-khan/Al-Meri-Khan/Al-Meri-Khem/Al-Mer-Ra-Ka/Al-morocco), because with ancient Semitic/Kemitic languages like Hebrew and Aramaic the vowels are interchangeable. Let’s play with both Amurru and Amor to see how many Americans (Amurru-khans) we can come up with. Now, please keep in mind that you have the god Amurru (Muur/Mu/Lemuria/Mer/Maur/Meru/Meroe) in the Word America. For example, Amaur-ka, (T)a-mer-Inca (America), Amen-Ra-Ka, Al Morocco (Al-mer-Ra-Ka), Ameru-Ka, Amexem (Mexico), and etc. You see, etymology is very powerful true science.

The Xi Anu People, aka, the Olmecs are the first inhabitants of the Americas. The Olmec heads have been carbon-dated to be over 5,000 years old, but this is not accurate, because the Olmec long count calendar, which is the Mayan calendar is a lot older than 5,000 years old. Also, you have to add zero(s) behind 5,000 years, because William Niven found over 2,800 Egyptian style artifacts in the Valley of Mexico, which is dated over 50,000 years old. The Olmec Heads were found in the same region that William Niven found his artifacts, so we do have a strong connection here to suggest that the Olmec heads are easily over 50,000 years old. Academia tries to keep modern-day man in the timeframe of 6,000 years, in accordance with Christianity and the Bible creation story. This explains why our timelines are completely off. The Pyramids and other megalithic structures are much older than what academia claims they are.


Olmec is also the origin of the word Mexico (Olmec = Old Mexican). When the Olmecs, whom were survivors of the Atlantis disaster, breed in with the Berber Moors from Morocco, Indiana, the union of the two created the Washo people, the Washitaw Moors, aka the Raccoon People. The union of the Olmecs and the Moroccan moors also created the Al-Moroccan Empire. Also, in this thread is the North Carolina Negro Law that states that Negroes are the descendants of the Ancient Berbers. The Berbers were the Moroccan Jews. Olmeccan = Almoroccan. Also, Almoroccan is derived from Raccoon, which is one of the Nicknames for the Washitaw Muurs and Coon is still used to this very day as an insult to Muurs, because they know who we are. Also, coon is also referring to the kundalini Energy or sex energy that flows up and down the human spinal column. Coon was actually a noble title just like serpent use to be, because it is that energy that you must raise up the 33 spinal vertebrates with the science of the Holy Breath, aka, the Holy spirit, so that you can walk with God, or to be one with God, or to be in harmony with life.

The Washitaw (Washington/Wichia/utah/Yudah) were direct descendants of the Olmecs whom were survivors of the Atlantis disaster, so the Olmecs were not from African. There have been no Olmec heads found in Africa, so no.., the Olmecs did not come from Africa. The name “Washitaw” comes from the Washita River which flows along Northwest Texas and Oklahoma to the Red River, where the Cheyenne Native Americans lived with the Chawasha, meaning “Racoon People” (Coon people). The Washo were a tribe of Moors who lived above the New Orleans Bayou (Bey) and were of Tunican (Turner) linguistic stock. The name “Washitaw” is a derivative of the term “Ouachita” or what is now “Wichita”. The term is a Choctaw term which means “Big Arbor” which represented the Grass thatched arbor homes that the people lived in.



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